Thursday, January 17, 2008

System Specifications

1 System Specification

1.1 Preliminary
This system is able to generate sales statistic and deliver the report to assist the book store retail manager in analyzing the sale of the company. It is also able to do stock monitoring for the shop outlet as well as providing book information for user. System also generate shelving plan based on the sale statistic from the shop.

1.2 Refined

System overview
The system is cater to assist multiple store in retailing activities from the most fundamental input such as staff and inventory to advance functions like generation of sales statistic report and intelligence shelving plan organizer.

Managerial functions are provided for staff and inventory. User could add, delete or update system database as well as search details of the staffs, stores and books in the database. In addition, stock ordering and stock taking is also installed into the system for greater convenience in running the retailing business.

Generate sales statistic report is a function that organize sales data and deliver statistic report to user so that it’s easier for user to analyze the sales figures in the stores. In any case, when user thinks that sales are bad due to positioning of books, user could generate a shelving plan from the system. This generation is done by studying the past sales data, after which it will display a list of new arrangement for the books from that particular.

This system will be used by 4 types of user: System Administrator, Manager, Supervisor and Retail staff. Each user has specific amount of access granted to system. Greater detail on each user will be discussed later in this section.

i. Actors

POS database

It is an existing external database that stores the information of the point-of-sales transaction. The system will retrieve POS data from this database to perform “generates sales statistic report” function.

Retail Staff

Retail staff only has the access rights to use the search book function in the system to search for the book details and checking if any books are low in stock.


Other than browsing book details, supervisor will access the system to check for low stock and manage stocks and orders for the particular store that he is in charge of.

Retail Manager

This actor is able to generate sales statistic report and set promotional item for all the stores. He is also able to use the search book function. He will be able to see the statistic within a specific date by generating the sales statistic report.If manager would like to boost the sales, he is able to use the system to create an ideal shelving plan by using "generate shelving plan" function. Manager role have access to all function in system too.

System Administration

System administration maintains the system database. He has the admin rights to manage user, store as well as books in the database. He handles all add, delete and edit function for the database. On top of that, he will have all the access rights to perform all function in the system so that he would be able to do maintenance and debugging.

ii. Use Cases

a. Generate Sales statistic Report

View report

Data of report is based on point-of-sales (POS) retrieved from the existing POS database. Report could be generated according to the input start and end date as well as the outlet by the user. A table for all transaction in during this period of time will be display. Report is generated base on the selection of the following entity:

· Top 10 best author
· Top 10 Best-seller
· Top 10 most unpoplar
· Top 10 Publisher

Save report

Manager will be able to save report in PDF format.

Print report

Report is printed out according to manager's specification.

b. Generate Shelving Plan

System will prompt user to use generate shelving plan whenever view report function is done. Generate shelving plan is a function that will study and analyze the sales record of the store like popularity of books. It will then generate a plan on how to shelf and position the book so as to boost the sales record of the store. Manager could generate shelving plan when he is generating the sales report.The plan can be done through classifying different book category into shelves ID. The shelves ID are then plan according to the store floor plan. For example, books with lower sales figures can be place at the shelves near the entrance to increase the sales. It could also generate shelving plan with respect to seasonal event such as Christmas or New Year.

Print Shelving Plan

Printing option will be provided to the manager if they would like to print the shelving out after it is generated.

View Shelving Plan

A graphic of the floor plan will be displayed along with the list of shelving detail for the book to be placed at.

c. Manage Staff

User details that uses the system are kept in the database and it is being managed as follow:

Add New Staff

Adding new staff to system and determine the level of authority that user has in system. It requires particular of staff like staff name, NRIC, address, contact number and email. Store ID is also kept track of to know which store staff belongs to.

Delete Staff

Staff will be deleted from the database when they quit and no longer uses system.

Edit Staff details

Staff particulars can be edited as well as changing the authority user has in system.

Search Staff details

Staff details can be easily search through the Store ID or by their Staff ID.

d. Manage Store

User is able to add newly setup store into the system or delete closed down store from the system. Functions available to manage these stores are as follow:

Add New Store

To add an newly open store to system, information of store like outlet name, Store ID and a floor plan of new store are required.

Delete Store

Delete store from system that are no longer in operation.

Edit store information

Users are able to upload new floor plan images as well as editing the store details.

View Store Detail

Store detail can be view by selecting from a list of available store in database.

e. Manage Book

Manage book function will maintain the book details that can be found in database. The functions available to manage these books are as follow:

Add New Book

Information of book like ISBN, title, category, author, publisher, cost price and selling price, books quantity, date of published are necessary required during the add book process.

Delete book

Book will be removed from the database when is no longer selling in the store.

Edit book detail

Book details that are stored in the database can be easily edited or update.

Search book detail

Search book function can be done through book ISBN, title or author. In additional, user could choose specific category to perform the search in.

Set promotion

User is able to set promotional price and date for specific books.

f. Manage Order

Manage order will help system to make order from supplier and transaction details will be keep in the database. Functions available to manage these orders are as follow:

Make order

To make order, user is able to choose the book they want from a list of categorized book and enter the quantity they would like to order. System will capture various details needed for easy tracking such as store and staff that makes the book order and the date and time when the order is made.

View order status

There will be 2 status of order which is order “completed” or “processing”. This allow user to check for the orders that have not yet received from the supplier.

Confirm order received

Upon receiving the order, user can update the quantity received to the database. If all quantity of that particular order is received, the status will be changed to “completed” and the details are stored in the database for future reference. On the other hand, if there is more order quantities that will arrive later, the system will updated the number of books received at that point and remain the status as “processing”.

User could also report special case of stock deficit if stock order differs from the stock received.

g. Check for Low Stock

This function will display a list of books that are current running low in stocks. This function will be able to help users when they would like to make order. The user will be able to choose the level of quantity they would view for example, below 30.

h. Edit Profile
This function will allow the staff logging in to change his/her personal profile and password

i. Login

This login function will validate the user and check whether users are authorized to use chosen function in the system.

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